Professional Appraisals and Consulting Services

Tinjum Appraisal Co., Inc.

As licensed and certified appraisers, we have the comprehensive education and qualifications to generate the type of reliable real estate value opinions that clients need. With years of experience behind us, we're more than ready to handle a variety of property types.

Call us today at (218) 847-3885.

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Looking for a Valuation?

Expert valuations in western Minnesota and eastern North Dakota such as:

  • Industrial light manufacturing, and warehouses
  • Office buildings with multiple or single tenants
  • Restaurants
  • Multi-family apartment buildings, co-ops, and condominiums
  • Agricultural properties
  • Resorts
  • Eminent Domain 

Services & Fees

Why Choose Us?

How do we do more in less time and maintain competitive prices without cutting corners on quality? Our reply is simple: Technology.  And above everything, we are aware of the importance of personalized customer service.  We're always mindful of this whether you're talking to us on the phone, in e-mail or talking in person.   Finally, what it comes down to is simply an unbeatable experience for our clients.   Call Tinjum Appraisal Co., Inc. today. We guarantee you'll see the difference, too.

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